For many years, I forgot to look at the mirror of my heart. I saw my reflection in other’s eyes and tried to mould myself in a way the world wished me to have. I forgot to pause, to breathe, to reflect.
Years come, years pass. Like the flowing river, life keeps streaming with its own note of the melody. Whatever be the situation, it keeps flowing and moving ahead and never waits, never stops. It only takes a momentary escape for a while when it meets a piece of object in between the flow. And within that stillness, you can see your reflection in the river.
Transparent, real, and tranquil.
Before the arrival of the year 2020, I made a lot of plans. There were a number of things on my secret wish list of 2020. When the year came, I was really happy to begin anew. I was about to welcome a new beginning in life.
2020 came. But along came a great surprise for all of us. And the whole world became trapped in the web of the pandemic. Since then, we are eagerly waiting for the day when this year will end and we will welcome the year 2021. And again, we will make plans, we will hope to begin a new journey towards tomorrow.
The year 2020 has been a great teacher for all of us. It showed us that whatever be the plans you have for tomorrow, it will always come with its own surprise for you.
For me, the year has been a tunnel of time to take a pause from life and reflect on my thoughts. And meanwhile, I discovered some beautiful truths about life in a more beautiful way.
I realized the power of giving:
How wonderful it would be if you focus on the things you are giving to this beautiful world instead of regretting the things you didn’t receive or complaining about the things that you don’t have in your arms. There lies an amazing kind of power in giving. You give, to grow. You give, to heal. You give, to be healed.
I found a new purpose to hope for tomorrow:
Sometimes, you feel yourself dragging towards nothingness. You feel empty from inside. But, I have heard the voice of emptiness. From zero, you can begin a new journey, always. Emptiness is the roaring storm in disguise. Sometimes, emptiness guides you towards the purpose of life you have been seeking so far.
I realized the need of spreading empathy and kindness:
Kindness is like the warmth of the shawl on a cold winter morning. A small act of kindness can do wonders. Being kind makes you stronger because you share your love and care with the one who needs them most at that hour.
I realized the power of love:
Love can protect your peace. Love, to be loved. Love, to give love. Love, to spread love. Love, to receive love. Love, to give rebirth of love.
I started trusting the universe:
Sometimes, in every breath you take and every move you make, there is something the universe wants to say. Hear it. Maybe you will hear the whisper of the next chapter that is being woven into your story. This way, you will begin believing in the magic and miracles of the universe.
Believe in your path and wait. Things will fall into place, like the lost star finds its home at the day’s end.
I realized the power of now:
Finding yourself amidst the chaos of life is hard, but once you find it, you find the peace within. You start to celebrate whatever you have in life. Right here, right now. And here is one of the most beautiful realizations I had in the year 2020:
I found calm in chaos.
I found harmony in mess.
As I have discovered the truth about embracing the peace within, I am here to welcome the new dawn with the power of now.
Quoting a line from my book ‘You Are Blooming’ here:
“This moment, you are an epitome of love, grace, and bliss. This moment, you are the whisper of silence and a wave of absolute peace. This moment, you are a drop of eternity.“
At the last hour of the day gone by, I am here, welcoming the new with the glory of now. Let the beauty of this moment bring peace, smile, and hope for tomorrow.
© Swarnali Nath (Rethink Mindful)
Image Courtesy: Canva