7 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude in the Workplace

Gratitude has the power to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face in the midst of consistent meetings. Similarly, appreciation in the workplace cultivates a sense of contentment in your mind.

As a result, workplace gratitude brings a moment of joy to your tough schedule and makes your day meaningful and purposeful.

7 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude in the Workplace

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Suppose you enter the office and you receive a Thank You note from someone. How delightful it sounds! This is the first thing you hear in the morning when you are about to start your day in the workplace.

And you find the day’s motivation to continue your work.

In this blog post, I will discuss the benefits of practicing gratitude to improve employee well-being. Let’s explore.

What is Gratitude at Work:

The origin of the word Gratitude is the Latin word Gratus which means pleasing or thankful. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation when the person receives an act of kindness, gifts, or some form of generosity.

However, showing gratitude at work is a beautiful way to appreciate others and it helps you spread positive emotions in the workplace.

When employees practice workplace gratitude, it means they cultivate a culture of appreciation at work. Thus, showing gratitude at work is a vital part to value the contribution of employees.

How Gratitude Helps in Employee Well-being:

Research shows that practicing gratitude on a daily basis is strongly associated with finding happiness. As we know, gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, they experience joy in every little thing in life.

Similarly, practicing daily gratitude in the workplace improves employee well-being to a greater extent. With the power of gratitude, employees overcome the challenges they face at work and build strong relationships with their co-workers.

Workplace gratitude significantly enhances employees’ moods when they are working in a hectic schedule. In addition, it also improves their productivity which helps them nurture a happier workforce.

As a result, practicing gratitude at work leads employees to build a deeper connection with their co-workers and daily work.

Benefits of Workplace Gratitude:

  • Acknowledges Humans Rather Than Talent: Workplace gratitude acknowledges people as they are, rather than rewarding them as a part of the talent pool. Therefore, when employees say thanks to their co-workers, it helps build a strong relationship between them.

  • Builds Empathetic Work Culture: Practicing gratitude in the workplace and appreciation of valuable contributions or collaborative approaches build an empathetic work culture in the office. As a result, workplace gratitude paves the way towards leading with empathy and nurturing compassion to spread awareness of a diverse and inclusive work environment.

  • Gratitude Helps Employees De-stress: When employees practice daily gratitude in the workplace, they remember the positive things happening in their lives, and thus, it helps them de-stress. This way, gratitude reduces their work stress and boosts their employee well-being.

  • Calms Down Anxious Minds: workplace gratitude activities calm down their anxious minds that relentlessly gather information about the pending tasks in the office and achieve daily goals within the deadlines. As a result, gratitude in the workplace uplifts the moods of employees and helps them work in a stress-free atmosphere as they nurture a caring and supportive work culture.

  • Boosts Employee Engagement: Practicing gratitude in the workplace boosts employee engagement, increases overall productivity, and cultivates a positive recognition strategy.

  • Brings Motivation at Work: Furthermore, daily gratitude at work boosts employees’ morale and they will work with higher self-esteem which helps them stay motivated for the entire day at work.

  • Improves Sleep Routine and Prevents Burn Out: Building stronger connections and spreading positive vibes in the workplace enhances employees’ sleep routines, prevents burnout, and improves their mental and emotional well-being.

How to Practice Gratitude at Work:

To practice workplace gratitude, first, the employees need to build an inclusive work culture. 

A culture of trust helps in cultivating a friendly attitude in the workplace that eventually leads to peace of mind at the day’s end.

Furthermore, employees need to help and support their co-workers when they are feeling burned out. It will strengthen their relationships and improve the collaborative approaches by practicing daily gratitude.

Thanking your co-workers for their valuable inputs, their guidance in executing a specific task, gifting them to appreciate their contribution, and sharing the goodness around the workplace will help you practice gratitude at work.

Additionally, recognizing the innovations and creativity of employees and acknowledging their hard work by giving them rewards will pave the way to reap the benefits of practicing workplace gratitude.

Concluding Thoughts:

Practicing gratitude in the workplace makes you count your blessings and remind you of all the good things at work. Additionally, it will help you cherish a nice relationship with your co-workers.

This way, working on a tight deadline will never be stressful for you and the workplace will not be that boring place.

Instead, working with your colleagues will be fun and you will enjoy working together as everyone’s contribution will be valued and acknowledged.

Because it all begins with a Thank You!

(This post is part of the Cause A Chatter campaign by Blogchatter.)

(This content is copyrighted by Swarnali Nath and by no means to use for any purpose without the writer’s prior permission.)

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  1. I Quote " Behaviorally, gratitude is a proso- cial trait and state: It motivates individuals to engage in prosocial behaviors to reciprocate the assistance they receive from others "(Bartlett & DeSteno, 2006; Tsang, 2006).

  2. Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. Thank you for sharing the quote. Such a great thought.
