Travelling is therapeutic for me: The Peace Story of Vibhu Vaibhav Gaur
Hello everyone! Welcome to THE PEACE STORIES. Today we have Vibhu Vaibhav Gaur with us. Vibhu is an Engineer by profession, and by passion, he is a Traveller, Blogger, Poet, Cyclist, and Fitness Lover.
Today, he will share his inspirational journey with us. Come, let’s hear his peace story.

My name is Vibhu Vaibhav Gaur. I was born and brought up in Delhi. An engineer by profession, I deal with technology and management on the work front. Off work, I constantly keep exploring my creative boundaries. Be it cycling non-stop from Delhi to Chandigarh, blogging, pensive poetry, or playing club cricket, I am always more than engaged and cherish each moment.
Travelling, exploration, and fitness have always interested me and form the core of my life’s learnings and journey.
I have been a sportsperson since my formative years and was lucky enough to have a supportive father who not only encouraged me but was indulgent enough to inspire and motivate me. Additionally, my school played a pivotal role in forming healthy habits since childhood as it focused on a balanced growth and learning curve.
I played soccer at the zonal level for the state and represented the University team later on.
Life comes in a full circle at times and throws a punch here and there trying to throw us off balance. I got a taste of it too when I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at an early age as it runs in the family.
Unwavered by the setback I decided to fight back with self-restraint and consistency. Diet control and workout have been my two biggest weapons in the journey so far. And believe me, it gets addictive and enjoyable once the results start reflecting.
It’s been almost 10 years now and my resolve and engagement toward fitness have only grown. The key is to keep innovating and exploring. Kill the monotony by trying different things and schedules.
I started cycling on a serious note in 2017, began jumping rope as the pandemic gripped the entire world, rekindled my love of playing Cricket after the first lockdown, and always stay curious like a child. Everyone has their journey and areas of interest. Do whatever helps you stay fit and gives you enjoyment. The key is to get started.
Every drop of sweat, every inch reduced, every increment of data on my smartwatch, and every thumping heartbeat in my chest makes me feel alive, content, and motivated.
Peace is multi-dimensional in my point of view. For some, it translates to meditation while for others it can be a good night’s sleep. Basically, it can neither be quantified nor exactly defined.
I am at peace when I am able to strike a balance between my responsibilities and desires. Travelling is therapeutic for me as it provides me time and opportunity to explore, analyze and expand my learning and creative boundaries.
A sense of order and purpose gives me peace. I derive it out of the simplest things like penning down my thoughts or an early morning bicycle ride. I feel peace is everywhere and anywhere where there is purpose and order in life.
I have always enjoyed self-analysis. Even as a kid I was constantly trying to figure out what and how of every experience I used to go through in daily life. So consciously I won’t be able to tell when I started my self-discovery journey. But I believe I embarked on this journey quite early, maybe unknowingly, and it’s an ongoing process for sure.
I don’t live with regrets as whatever decisions we take at any given point in time, they are the best as per our judgment and maturity at that stage. Having said that, I have had my journey and enjoyed it too. Therefore, I would tell my younger self how lucky and proud I am today for all the mistakes, learnings, fears, efforts, hard work and not giving up at the most crucial moments that made me who I am today, a survivalist.
While traveling from Gwalior to Delhi on a wintery night in 2007-2008, I was accompanied by a stranger in the train’s coach. We sat opposite each other just acknowledging our presence through mere eye contact. I fell asleep after a while out of exhaustion and when I woke up the stranger had already left leaving a rolled-up note beside me.
The words were not just empowering but became an integral part of my personality. I still carry the note in my wallet hoping we might cross paths again somewhere.

Live while you can, there will be plenty of time to drag on.
I am grateful for the contentment and peace I have in life. My family is the core reason behind it. Every day that we breathe and our needs are taken care of, it’s worth being grateful for.
(We will add the gratitude notes to our Big Gratitude Jar, where we are collecting all the beautiful things we are grateful for in life.)
Thank you, Vibhu, for being with us and sharing your journey with The Peace Stories. We are honored to have you here. Wish you all the best for your journey ahead. May you be guided with peace and purpose.
(A techie by profession, Vibhu lives by his dreams. He is an avid traveler, an empowered blogger, a rebellious poet, an endurance cyclist, a fitness lover and most importantly a free soul.)
We are building a space for calm and bliss. A space for counting our blessings. A space for just breathing and being. I welcome you all to come along with me to build our very own home.
The Peace Stories: Together we smile, together we heal.
Read all the peace stories here.